So I thought I might grace you all with a quick catch up of some of my homes that I have had on my little corner plot that I rent is Second Life. This is by no means the total of all the homes I have ever had, but it's nice selection.
I was lucky enough to find the 230 prim (31x31 sqm) plot 3 years ago and have been there ever since. It's the ideal location..... it's on a corner of a Sim so that means I don't have neighbours on 2 sides of my plot and it's open water that can't be entered. I also rent the plot to one side of the corner as I like to have a garden (this again is a 230 prim plot).
So lets start with the oldest and progress through the years with a selection of homes....
I actually built the first ever house, so it's not the greatest, and then slowly progressed into buying homes. Most houses I have purchased are either very low priced or I got on promo offers.
I try to keep the prim count (LI) for each home to be 100 or under so that it allows me enough prim to decorate to a lived in feel.

This was and is my one and only Tiki house, I did make my own sand as the texture of my corner plot is grass and is unchangable. It was a fun house to put together, especially with the mini garden and beach with a old raft and area to park the convertible.
I think it only lasted for about a month.
The Spanish Villa was and will always be one of my favourites. It was bought as a gift for me ready for Xmas, when I do like to make the rental plot all snow and pine trees... These were taken just after the snow had thawed and I re-set the garden into a romantic feel.
This was all cherry blossom and weeping willows.
And finally for this issue 2 more of my favourites.....The stone and log cabin was just ideal It fit easily onto the corner plot and allowed for a big open decking area, perfect for the hottub and patio furniture.
Then I really wanted to go to town for Halloween last year. Have never really gone wild with the Halloween feel before but this New England style home to me made the perfect Autumn/Halloween home.
The pumpkins and the blowing leafs really made the plot feel as if Autumn had come to sl.... and being October, it obviously had.
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Looking at the progression of homes made me smile. Thank you for the time and effort you put into them and for sharing them with us.